Retreat January 2023
Embodying the Sacred Feminine
McGregor, Western Cape, 27 - 29 January 2023.
Looking back on the last two decades, it has been an immense honour, pleasure and privilege to guide awakening women, to hold each story sacred and to walk the path of Heroine’s journey alongside you. Every story has touched me deeply, inspired me, enriched my own sense of purpose, personal truth and presence.
In January 27-29, I will be facilitating my LAST Retreat in South-Africa. With a heart overflowing with gracious gratitude, I invite you to share an experience with us which will serve your heart in 2023 - and beyond!Â
At this liminal time, of uncertainty, continual shifting ground, we can tap into the resilient spirit within - to flow with the changing times - to shift from fear into courage and clarity. To flow forward from your innate compass, so you can thrive!
In the heart of McGregor, is a very special sanctuary called Temenos retreat centre. Walking in the peaceful garden, sitting in the meditation room & little way chapel is balm for the soul. It is truly a magical space!
It is here, where we will gathering in circle, in January for the weekend, to come HOME to self - through sacred feminine embodiment practice.Â
We will honour the earth, our bodies, and each other…
*Last retreat in South-Africa*
If your heart calls to Join us, I would LOVE to share the magic of women's circle on retreat with you. Send me an e-mail indicating your interest and I will reply with all the details.Â
If you are curious about how to navigate your 2023 differently this wheel of the year, and ready to reconnect to the intuitive wisdom of the sacred feminine within, discover the embodiment practices which will keep your resilient in liminal times, restore your heart, body, mind and spirit through the transformative power of love, then join Eleftheria, your innate heart map facilitator, feminine wisdom coach, for a heart-centred, soul-inspired retreat at Temenos retreat centre in magical McGregor, Western Cape, 27 - 29 January 2023.Â
The experience
Sitting in sacred stillness in the lush gardens, feeling the summer breeze gently brushing your hair, the warmth of the sun glowing on your skin, breathing the rhythmic sound of the bird song, feeling peaceful, connected, inspired… you access the part of you which has been calling you Home to sovereign self..Â
Feeling relaxed to your core, your heart opens with every sense awakening, connecting to the embodiment of love, clarity & intuitive knowing, deeper than you have ever felt before.
Gently opening your eyes, you can almost see the outline of your future self, standing rooted in her power, fulfilled with gratitude for a year graced with blessings beyond her imagining..
In gracious gratitude you trace the path you journeyed days before this moment, thinking about the heart-call which called you to this retreat, the circle of women who are have gathered in answering their heart’s call, who have now become like soul-sisters, the walk through the labyrinth which sparked clarity, the depth of healing you received sitting in the magical well, the sacred feminine resilience tools you now have to navigate any uncertainties, the rooted trust in your intuition, which was reawakened….
You have never felt this aligned, at peace, filled to the brim with your cup overflowing and embodied in Love before!
We will start our retreat on Friday afternoon in the lush green gardens, soaking up the peaceful energy which permeates our home for the weekend - Temenos.Â
Opening the circle, we will drop all the armour, constriction and tension in the body, opening up our hearts, softening our bodies, and set our intentions. As we settle into the stillness, we root into connection with self, with sacred feminine wisdom, with intuitive knowing - breathe easy and rest in grace….
Saturday morning we greet the ray’s of Light with a slow emersion into the body temple through Yoga with Thespina. We will then enjoy a delicious, nutritious breakfast catered by the sustainable restaurant on site at Temenos, and gather in circle for the days practice of embodying rites and rituals. We will breathe deeply, celebrate life, honour the earth, our bodies and each other…
In our co-created sacred space for you to dive into the core of you, to heal, to let go, to build courage, to breakthrough, to feel empowered root up…
At midday we will nourish ourselves, celebrate life’s gifts with a delicious lunch. In your free time you can explore the morning’s insights through stillness in the lush gardens, a labyrinth walk, swim in the cool waters, reflect in the little way chapel, or meditation chamber or simply rest and journal….
We will gather before sunset in sacred circle around the well in deep meditation, remember our grandmother’s wisdom through shared story, dive into deep listening to intuitive direction, Cultivating medicine for healing - coming home to sovereign self. With a heart and cup filled to the brim…
Following the gifts of slow living, as the sun sets upon the day, you may want to meander through the village to explore delicious dinner options, or remain at Temenos to re-treat yourself with a fine dining experience at Tebaldi’s.Â
Sunday morning we greet the day, awakening the body with Yoga, then breakfast delights brings us an opportunity to discuss the nights dreams…
We will gather for our day’s session in the library, surrounded by knowledge rooted in Love, we honour our planted soul seeds for 2023, integrate sacred feminine resilience tools for the unfolding of the year -heart, body, mind and soul aligned….
We close our circle in gracious gratitude with a celebratory luncheon and ease our way into the new beginnings as you know how to hold centre, have practices and insights to embody your core values and soul seeds.Â
Read All About the Brochure here.

Your sacred feminine retreat facilitator
My name is Eleftheria, of Hellenic descent, it means liberty or freedom. In essence this is what I stand for - the liberation of the sacred feminine within us all. I have been deeply honoured to have had the privilege to work with women’s personal and spiritual develop for 20 years now.
Every story has touched me deeply and has contributed to my own sense of place, purpose and power. My work as transformation facilitator is a marriage between my training in clinical psychology and women’s spirituality. I am passionate about myth and story as healing tools.
I would Love to share the magic of women's circle with you, in my last retreat I will host in South-Africa.
Thank you, from my heart to yours, for your contribution to weaving the feminine tapestry.
I truly believe when a woman heals a part of herself, she heals a part of the world - which we are inextricably connected to.
You are pure magic, you are sacredly woman, you are powerful beyond measure, you ARE sacred purpose, you are Enough - and YOUR presence here - Matters deeply
All the details you need to secure your seat here:Â
Your yoga facilitator - Thespina Allen
It is an absolute honour to announce Peni as our retreat yoga teacher on this retreat. I met Thespina in 2001, and we connected immediately. Through-out the years (decades) at milestone synchronous moments, I had the privilege to attend her
yoga classes, workshops and healed my body and spirit with her support
through cranio-sacral healing sessions.
What I appreciate most about Thespina as teacher,
is her gift of intuitive body wisdom, her
impeccable integrity and the spaciousness she provides
her students and clients for empowered healing.
What an incredible to share 'my' yoga teacher with You on my last retreat on this beautiful continent!
Thespina, sees herself as a therapeutic facilitator and uses both Yoga and
Craniosacral therapy to facilitate the wellbeing of her clients.
She has experience working with all ages from new-borns to octogenarians.
She started teaching Yoga in 1982 and has been offering Craniosacral therapy sessions since 2003.

You have three options to choose from.
Attending the Retreat only without accommodation. Retreat + Accommodation
single occupancy, or Retreat + Accommodation shared occupancy.
Temenos offers a 50% discount on the third night stay -in case you would like to integrate the experience and sleep over on Sunday night.
Rosemary Package
Retreat Only
Saturday + Sunday breakfast Saturday + Sunday lunch
Group Coaching & facilitation
Life-time embodiment tools
Gift Bag
Follow-up group session
R 4800,00
Thyme Package
Retreat + Single Accommodation
Saturday + Sunday breakfast Saturday + Sunday lunch Group Coaching & facilitation Life-time embodiment tools Gift Bag
Follow-up group session
2 night Single occupancy at Temenos
R 6700,00
Sage Package
Retreat + Shared Accomodation
Saturday + Sunday breakfast Saturday + Sunday lunch Group Coaching & facilitation Life-time embodiment tools Gift Bag
Follow-up group session
2 night Shared occupancy at Temenos