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Feminine Resilience Program

She who Stands Courageous


The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress - such as family & relationship problems, serious health or work place and financial stressors.*   


It means 'bouncing back' from challenging experiences. 



*Source: American Psychological Association



Our world has changed overnight. And disruption to the way we live, work and relate is not always easy, especially when we are not prepared for the kind of extremes we are experiencing today. We've had to revise the way we work, live, lead, connect, educate, socialise, shop, care for those we love or ourselves. It has directly impacted our health and wellness on all levels - emotionally, psychologically, mentally, physically and spiritually. 


If you are feeling exhausted, and I mean the type of burnout exhaustion, where a nap and increasing your sleep time is not helping you recover.... Or maybe in total overwhelm, feeling ungrounded, like you're disconnected from the world around you, as if you're in some type of surreal dream, detached from what is going on around you.....

Perhaps you are feeling anxious about the future, fearful with no motivation to get up in the morning to face another ground hog day. Feeling stuck, frozen, immobilised? 


If you find yourself being irritated, impatient and frustrated.... You are NOT alone. 


Uncertainty and the unknown has become our new ‘normal’. We have experienced loss on every level, and our grief, concerns, worries and fears have become constant companions in navigating our new reality. It affects every aspect of how we live, love and lead. Without the tools for developing resilience, uncertainty can be debilitating - leaving you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and hopeless. 



The need in our hour of global crisis is to be mentally and emotionally resilient and focus on healing our emotional wounds so we can regain physical and psychological wellbeing.


Emotional resilience is the ability to bounce back from life challenges and adversity. A resilient person not only bounces back from setbacks but achieves a higher threshold of emotional well-being. It becomes your baseline for dealing with the challenges life may present you. When you can trust yourself to handle anything which comes you way, you start flowing with the current of life, instead of feeling like a victim to circumstance. 


Is your default coping mechanism for disruption or change to avoid, deny, over- or under-function? 

In the face of adversity do you :


  • Numb out by shopping online, over eat or drink, or binge on Netflix to check out? 

  • Over-control or micromanage your life and loved ones? 

  • Stay an extra 10 minutes in the shower to cry? 

  • Get paranoid?

  • Over-function and stay incredibly busy but don't really get anything done?   

  • Become really angry and vent. Do you blame, scream and shout? 

  • Or do you flip over to being overly optimistic? 

  • Are you obsessed with the conspiracy theories, which take up all your time and focus. In this way you're avoiding confronting the current reality and staying in denial? 

  • Perhaps you oscillate between a few coping strategies? Binge on Netflix, then flip to frantically cleaning the house and working? 



We often assume that resilience is a personality trait, that you either have it or you don’t. The truth is that emotional resilience is a skill set which can be learnt by anyone. In order to cultivate resilience, one needs clear intention, courage and practice. 

Resilience is a learnt behaviour.

It’s okay to embrace our emotions. It does not mean that we are weak because we feel these emotions about the current challenges we are facing. So, If you’re feeling overwhelmed, angry, sorrowful, anxious or stuck, then this is for you! 

There is a way to deal with challenges in the face of adversity through sacred feminine wisdom.

Our ancestral lineage gives us maps and pathways to navigate the journey of the valley of shadows, in a way which empowers us, opens our innate abilities of innovation, creation, regeneration and well-being. 


If we keep resisting change, we will continue to feel overwhelm, fatigue and stuck and potentially sink deeper into a state of hopelessness. There is a way to experience adversity through sacred feminine resiliency, which supports us to rise up in our lives, especially when times are tough.


I would love to guide you through this process and share the wisdom, skillset and practices with you! 

Sacred feminine resilience work.

This is not fluffy work. This is the real work. It’s the kind of work which yields fruits for a life-time.

It will require your full attention, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  It requires you to stay the course and dig deep to access the innate feminine power which is already within you.


This is for the future feminine leaders, to embody feminine sovereignty. These are the tools you will need for your own transformation and for leading your communities and families into thriving through the new emergence of our world.


Resiliency is a skillset we can cultivate. Nature is a powerful resource of wisdom, she shows us daily how to face adversity with grace, ease, and gentle power. 


You are apart of Nature... You are Gaia's daughter... You are here now, to root in resilience and to Rise! 


Your facilitator in Resilience

My name is Eleftheria, of Hellenic descent, it means liberty or freedom. In essence this is what I stand for - the liberation of the sacred feminine within us all. I have been deeply honoured to have had the privilege to work with women’s personal and spiritual develop for 20 years now. Every story has touched me deeply and has contributed to my own sense of place, purpose and power. My work as transformation facilitator is a marriage between my training in clinical psychology and women’s spirituality. I am passionate about myth and story as healing tools.


When the lockdown was announced in March 2020, I left my family and moved in with my Mother, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer to care for her full time. And so we embarked on this final transitional journey together. I was in a sacred bubble of grieving with my mother, whilst the external world was grieving without. In many ways, dealing with the pandemic seemed peripheral in the face of witnessing my mother die, not realising that the world as I knew it was dying too. It’s in this hard confrontation that another core layer of my healing journey began. This is the gift of loss - holding dear to you what matters most, letting go of what you can not control, and surrendering to a timeline which is unknown. 


Through this journey of stepping into the death doula role with my Mom, I rediscovered stories of my great grandmother, my grandmother, aunts, and my mother's stories and experiences of resiliency...

The genius of tapping into my grandmother’s wisdom of surviving war was a guide to navigate through new territory.


How are we meant to lead or be witnessed by younger generations - if we no longer remember the stories or can not assimilate the lessons of hardships, crisis, challenges or the ultimate transition? This is women's work... holding space and guiding others through transitions. 

This is how I re-birthed myself. I want to take you through the same journey. 


It was not as easy as it sounds, and I went through the myriad of emotions which the grieving process demands. It was a mythical journey into the underworld, much like Persephone or Inanna’s initiatory decent and restorative ascent.


However, I felt truly blessed that I had the coping tools, that I was as prepared as I could be, that I had a circle of soul-sister support, and a heart-centred life partner - so that I could come through the experience with gratitude, grace, faith and more sacred feminine wisdom. After having gone through the painful decent and rising in ascent, I have deepened my relationship with the sacred feminine. 


I realised the only way through this is to deepen your practice and dive into the core of heart-centred truth and that this is sacred feminine resilience. 


During this time of great change, transformation and global transition - our call to courage is to cultivate resilience. We have literally left our old world behind, and we are emerging into a new one. I’ve been contemplating Resiliency....


What it is? How and if one can cultivate it? Redefining the resilience spirit from toxic hardiness of pushing through into powerful soft centred strength. I got really curious about the common characteristics and skillsets of how civilisations got through war, women change makers, grandmother war survivors, and nature’s innate ability to thrive through adversity. 


The truth is that we descend from a long matri-lineage of resilient women who survived (and thrived) through witch hunts, wars, political over-throws, and socio-economic change... 


Women who supported each other found a courageous way through it! One thing is clear - in the absence of connection, there is suffering.



This is why I’ve created my all new 8 week online course: She who stands courageous - Sacred Feminine Resilience. 


During this course, I will guide you through the psychology, metaphysical techniques, proven techniques, which will empower you with resiliency for this time and beyond. 



This 8 week course is filled with inspiring resiliency skills & tools, sacred feminine practices, and ancient wisdom. These tools can be utilised to impact your own transformation, which will flow over into your family, community and work life.


You will emerge with clarity, clear direction, ready to birth the New you into the new world. You already know that there is a bigger purpose in your life, you may even feel that you’ve been preparing for this moment all your life - feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, disconnect and don't know where to start?


This is your call to action - YOU are Needed right now. Now is the time for a reset & to live, love and lead from your feminine core for the collective.

Inside the course

The call to courage

Every journey starts with a call to courage. 

We will discover the blue print left to us by our ancestors through myth and story. We will understand the roadmap of transition. 

The myth of Inanna and her journey of decent into the underworld and ascent back totally transformed. 

We will connect with the part of our selves which is brave, courageous and holds the Light of guidance through the darkness. 

Module 1

Coping in Uncertainty

It's our default to react to crisis through childhood survival patterns, a tendency to resist and fight the pain in our lives. If we access the heart to turn towards the pain and suffering in our own lives, and the lives of others, we will uncover immense courage and purpose.

We can turn pain in power, wounds into wisdom, suffering into sovereignty. 

We will uncover our default childhood survival patterns and learn new ones which support and guide you.

Module 2

Facing the truth

In this module we work with the liberation which the practice of acceptance of reality gifts us. Many of us tend to avoid adverse situations, but this keeps us stuck in suffering. We can learn to perceive reality in a honest manner - neither pessimistic and nor over-optimistic.

The sweet spot is in the middle = realistic optimism.

It is only through facing our difficulties with courage, truth and clarity that we can begin the creative process of overcoming adversity and bounce back

Module 3

Emotional Agility

Cultivating emotional agility starts with the realization that every emotions is valuable and that there is no such thing as a negative emotions. Most of us avoid feeling the discomfort of emotions we deem "unpleasant". Empowerment happens outside our comfort zones. Expanding our emotional vocabulary not only gives us a deeper insight into our own well-being, but gifts us the ability to be more compassionate to others. 

Working with emotional body is the corner stone of the sacred feminine practice.

Module 4


In the face of global change, it means we may need to reset our goals and vision to adapt to a new environment. It's important to acknowledge the losses, to let go of how we expected our plans or dreams were going to manifest.

In this module we will reset, realign and re-adjust to a new timeline in the new environment.

We can re-align to our new found purpose, and redefine  What we want to create in our lives. 

Module 5

Container for thriving

In this module we will design your container for thriving through setting up structures which will support your vision. In order for anything to flourish, it needs the support of a structure which is in integrity. Setting clear boundaries around your time, capacity, and relationships will gift you the energy to recharge, reboot, and bounce back. A container for thriving also includes your core inner circle. If you isolate yourself, like many women do, we'll do the work to heal this wound, so that you can build and nurture a supportive circle in sisterhood.

Module 6

Renewal & Regrowth

Time and again Mother Nature has proven after every cataclysmic disaster, life springs back as the natural cycle of regeneration process begins. 

We'll be tapping into our innate rejuvenation abilities through appreciation of the cycles and seasons of our bodies, of nature, of economics, and of spiritual growth. 

We'll learn how to support and cultivate the regrowth in our lives.

Module 7

Gratitude & Completion

Every journey end with an initiation into moving forward with a new focus, new role, new responsibilities and the gift you discovered within - to share in service with the world. 

We will gather in sacred circle, honour what we learnt from each other, from life & nature, and then close off our journey with a gratitude ceremony. Knowing that we'll be connected by the red thread, that we've connected in like-hearted community to continue sharing our insights, pearls, challenges and successes for years to come!

Module 8



Joni-Leigh Doran, Artist

Eleftheria has been invaluable in helping me to awaken my most authentic self through our sessions together, and she has helped me to overcome some of my greatest personal challenges in an honouring, safe and healing space. Her profound gifts of understanding, sensitivity, wisdom, intuition, empathy, compassion and perception have nothing short of changed my life in the decade that I have known her. It is a true honour to have Eleftheria in my life.


Sarah Bowes, Designer

I have been working with Eleftheria for a number of years. Each process has had a profound impact on my life. The lessons learnt have been intuitively guided to form a cohesive understanding of my personal truth and purpose. Through every interaction with Eleftheria I have feel seen, heard and valued as a human being. This has allowed me the willingness to learn firstly, self- love and then it inspired my courage and willingness to do the "hard work" to journey towards my personal truth and empowerment. Through Eleftheria compassionate guidance, catalytic questions, laughter and pain while doing the work: I have discovered a compass to always guide me towards my authentic self. I have always felt that Eleftheria has been as deeply committed to my journey as I have been. This commitment has never waivered over the years.


Egith Van Dinther, Model & Clothing Designer

My whole life, I’ve been searching for answers Ive never got .

Until I met Eleftheria. 

She made me realize what real love is and how I can feel it again. She made me realize how important it is to have a sisterhood, and what the powers are of being surrounded by divine goddesses. Because we all are.

She made me trust in love again. Knowing my self worth. She gave me the strength to finally stand up for myself and follow my dreams.

Ive always wanted to write a book to share my own journey, and after seeing Eleftheria I finally found the courage 

to start a platform to empower woman by using my own shadows. 

Thank you Eleftheria you have changed my life.

Course  Support

This program is self - paced. Each week the modules are released on a Tuesday, which includes a video tutorial, meditation and reflective exercise. You can complete each module in your own time over the course of the week. 


The program is supported with 4 live group calls, which will take place in the evening and will be recorded. If you can't make the live calls you can catch up in your own time. 



Video Tutorials

Each module will be accompanied by video tutorials


Supportive, downloadable meditations to assist with resilience practice. 


Each module will have worksheet with exercises to help you clarify

Live Calls

During the 8 weeks we will have 4 live 40 minute calls for Q &A and connection.

If there was ever a time, NOW is it. Our world needs heart-centred purpose rooted leaders now more than ever. 


I believe that sacred feminine resilience is Rooting to Rise together. First we root in resilience and then we rise indiviudally and as a collective circle of women. When women share their magic, wisdom and majestic spirit - it ripples out into the fabric of the world around them.... Big changes have always happened in the presence of women banding together on grass-roots level...


It's time to step into your authority, to reclaim your agency and root in your courage to Be, who you came here to Be in order to assist with rebirthing a new world... Finally the world is ready.... ready to hear us, ready to say stop the harm humanity has committed against our mother earth, ready to innovate new ways of being which is rooted in love, truth and service and ready to receive feminine change agents for a better, braver more compassionate world....


Will you say Yes and Stand Courageous with us? 



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