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Image by Yury Orlov




Wild Woman Sojourn

Wild Woman Sojourn

Slovenia, 20 - 21 April 2024.

There comes a time in each women’s life, when a potent energy, brimming with essential instincts, creative passions, and timeless knowing rises to the surface. This is the Wild Woman archetype inviting you into an initiation of reclamation.


Reclaiming your voice, your medicine, your emotional body, your mystical knowledge of the interconnection of life. 


Returning home to sovereignty.

The invitation of the Wild Woman

Whenever you are at a point in your life, when things feel stuck, stagnant or you have lost your zest for life, this is when the inner wild woman can assist you to take the journey into the next phase of your life.

And sometimes, it is a quiet stirring within, knowing that something has to change - but you don't know what or where to begin....


By connecting with the wild feminine soul within, we can unlock a deeper level of understanding, not only of who we are, but also where we are going.


In many ways we have been conditioned and programmed to think that in order to survive in our modern world, we have to be masculine. We suppress our emotions because if we feel "too much" we are "irrational", we deny our intuition because it doesn't "make sense" or doesn't have a "predictable, measurable outcome", or we numb our sensitivity because we've been told to "toughen up and move on", or we ignore the signals of our bodies because we live in a world which Only values production. 


Our magnificent bodies is the only thing which is present always, and when we unlock these energetic channels, learn to be still and trust our intuition, the potent creative energy flows through us - and you feel connected to everything around you. 


The truth is, that the feminine is wild, untamed, instinctual, intuitive, mystical. This feminine part of you is ruled by heart and womb. When you allow this part of you to be awakened you tap into your Joy, fierce freedom, fulfilment, clarity, your voice and the resilient courage to navigate major change. 


Embodying the wild feminine has the power to heals us, to help us get out of our stuck places, and to facilitate transformation and change. The wild woman carries the medicine needed to get through difficult times with complete joy, soulfulness and wise guidance.


Whether you are dealing with a career change, a health scare, a relationship issue, or trauma pattern - it will be the inner wild woman archetype which will emerge. And we can choose to work with her feminine energy consciously. 


“Within every woman there lives a powerful force,

filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing.

She is the Wild Woman,

who represents the instinctual nature of women.“


- Clarissa Pinkola Estes,

Jungian Psychoanalyst, Wisdom Keeper, Author "Women who run with the Wolves"

This two day workshop sojourn is a deep dive into the wild feminine soul. We will be embodying our feminine spirt and find out what that means for us personally and collectively.


It is an invitation into re-discovering the feminine spirit which lives within us, and bringing her back into the Light. ​


Through the practice of conscious dance, breathe-work, embodiment, meditation and conversation we will co-create a safe, nurturing, healing, transformative women's sanctuary. 


This Sojourn will take place in two parts. 


In part 1, on day one, our theme is Awakening the Wild Woman ; the second part, on day two, our theme is Embodying the Wild Woman. You can join just for day one OR attend the full journey of two days. 



We will explore, discover and reunite with this inner archetype through meditation, embodiment practice, conscious dance, communion with nature and share the magic which innately unfolds when women gather in circle. 


After this weekend you will:


  • Understand how this archetype can empower your life

  • Map the power of your menstrual cycle or moon cycle (post-menopause)

  • Discover the wisdom of our emotional bodies

  • Know Sacred Embodiment Practices to use daily

  • Know the language of your intuition

  • Recover creativity

  • Regain your strength

  • Learn how to work with the sensitivity of your body

  • Reclaim the Spark of Joy and Juicy Aliveness

The Sojourn Experience

Who is this Sojourn For?

The invitation of the Wild Woman

Have you ever questioned if you really want what you want or if you want what is expected of you? 


Have you had to contain your instincts, repress your emotions, and people please, as to not be rejected? 


Have you ever silenced your intuition? 


Are you at a cross-roads, knowing something is missing, a depth of connection with the current of life - but you don’t know where to start? 


Is there a part of you which is calling with a primal yearning for wild freedom? 

This Sojourn Adventure is totally for you if:


  • You know you are a woman of love, who have been called into a deeper connection with self, life and relationships


  • You care deeply about the earth and want to make a difference


  • You are ready to do the inner work to transform your feminine & emotional body wounds


  • You are interested in archetypes and goddess mythology as a tool for personal & spiritual development


  • You're okay with being vulnerable within a sacred sisterhood


  • You have a secret yearning for Wild Freedom


  • You feel both excited and nervous about embarking on this sojourn.

Autumn Instagram Post (1).png

Sojourn Program

 Day 1: Awakening the wild feminine 
Saturday 20 April
09h00 -17h30

Tap into your feminine soul, connect with your cycle, find flow and balance the masculine & feminine, womb meditation, and more.


The first half of the day we will learn and discover the wild woman archetype and understand how she affects our lives.


Light Lunch


The second half of the day we will curiously explore the aspects of the wild woman - healer, intuitive guide, protector, freedom seeker, creative. 

 Day 2: Embodying the Wild Woman 
Sunday 21 April
09h00 -17h00

Integrating what we learnt, and discovered in day one. Experience the wisdom of your body through guided embodiment practice and conscious dance to deepen the understanding of how you show up as woman in your life. 


Light Lunch


In the second part of the day we explore the mystical gifts of the Wild Woman intuition for practical every day living, loving and leading.


We end our sojourn with a gratitude closing circle.


The two day sojourn is € 333,00 (including gift box and voucher for 10% discount on individual coaching)

  • Wild Woman Sojourn 2

    Two Day Experience
    Valid for 7 days
    • Wild Woman Sojourn

Venue: Slovenia

In keeping with the theme of the mysterious Wild Woman, the beautiful sanctuary for our two day Sojourn will be revealed in due time. 

It will be in the heart of nature, and it will be a sacred container for our heart-work together, in Slovenia. 

Your Facilitator: Eleftheria


Sacred Feminine transition midwife, inspired by Mother Nature, lead by her intuition. After completing her formal education in Psychology, she followed her heart and instincts in the direction of holistic, alternative therapies, trained as Jungian Dream Appreciation facilitator and specialises in relational intelligence. This path lead her to adventure to sacred sites in both South-Africa and Europe and feels that her greatest teacher is life...


She is a counselor and mentor, one of three AEIOU Female Breakthrough coaches, and hosts retreats, women's circles and founded the Catalyst Facilitation Method. 

Super curious about mystical knowledge, feminine spirituality, Jungian Psychology, she is forever expanding her knowledge and the eternal student. 


Passionate about meditation, connection with nature and the power of story. She supports women to live, love and lead from their feminine core, for a more compassionately connected world for all. In 2019 -2020 life initiated her into Death Doula work, as she cared for both her mother's in their end of life rites of passage. 


It was her wild woman intuition which lead her to healing her core wounds, and bravely live a love she only dreamed was possible. Through sharing her experiences, learnings and tools and holding spae for other women to activate their inner strength, value their unique gifts, she supports and inspires the reconnection.

Looking forward to sharing the magic of wild woman with you!

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